Why did I do it? Well it was eBay and I thought "of course I can find something to do with these." Well, when I got them in the mail, they weren't as cute as I expected. But then again, who thinks office keys are cute anyway? I blame it on the 3am impulse buy...
So here is what I ended up doing with my 72 keys. Hint, they're MUCH cuter now!
For this project, you'll just need three items. I have my {1} office furniture keys, though any flat backed key would work. I purchased a {2} set of magnets from the Home Depot. They do NOT have the foam sticker backing, and here's why: when I'm making magnets, sometimes the item being magnetized is pretty heavy. I've found over time the foam sticker doesn't hold up as well as my {3} E-6000, item #3 on my list.
All you need to do is put a small dab of glue on the back of the magnet and then stick that to the key. I let mine dry for two days. E-6000 is some strong stuff and it really stinks, so do this project in a well ventilated area.
Here is my final project holding a vintage print on my refrigerator. I realize that it doesn't make much sense now, but I didn't really have anything to hang up for the picture :)
Only 66 more to go! Wish me luck!
Have you seen this person's key sculptures? https://www.etsy.com/listing/130280596/key-votive-tea-light-key-light-metal?ref=market