Monday, November 21, 2011

Weekend projects { Image Transfer Coasters DIY }

My Saturday night was quite busy.  I started the weekend with four projects in mind to get a jump on Christmas gifts, but quickly realized I was in over my head.  After a day of fun, the kids went to bed, and I got to work.  My two projects this weekend were glass horse ornaments and image transfer coasters.

The Graphics Fairy had a tutorial a while back on making coasters using Omni Gel transfer medium.  Her tutorial really covers everything you need to know so I'm just linking to it { here }.  I'll share some pictures of my project in process and add a few details that I think may be helpful if you attempt this project.

For my crown coasters, I layered crown images from the Graphics Fairy found here, here, here, and here with script text I had.

Here are the supplies you'll need { below }.  Tips:  I went to three Michaels and finally found Omni Gel.  I highly recommend you call them first or purchase the product online.  I've done about 50 coasters using one 8 oz. bottle.  I found my tiles at Home Depot, nine for $3.99.  There are two styles I like for this project, Noce and Chiaro travertine. I've found you really need to inspect the Chiaro tiles though, as they tend to get larger pits in them; Noce not as much.  As mentioned in the Graphics Fairy tutorial, you need to go to your copy shop and have a color laser jet print of your images.  No need to reverse the image for this transfer technique.  The cork is contact paper from Home Depot.

I wanted to share a quick picture of the Omni gel bushed on the paper { below }.  Even when dry, there is a sheen on the images.

Here is me wiping the paper off the back of the gel transfer { below }.  This always takes longer than I expect!  Tip:  I use an old toothbrush to help get all the paper off the transfer.

Image transfers drying on paper towels pre-tile coaster { below }.

My coaster assembly line { below } from the weekend.  I adhered the gel transfer with another coat of Omni Gel and smoothed down with a brayer and my fingers.

Here is a closeup of my coasters drying { below }.  I'm really excited about how the coasters turned out!

On to project #2!  I covered how to make these horse ornaments earlier on my blog { here }.  Here is a picture of my assembly line of ornaments drying and pre-ribbon { below }.

Here is a closeup of my favorite horse ornament from this weekend { below }.

Thanks for stopping by.   Have a great week!   I'm linking this one up to:


  1. Lovely coasters and the images you chose were perfect! Big smiles from me to you :D

    Visiting from BRAG MONDAY at GraphicsFairy,
    ~Suzanne in NW Illinois @ Whycuzican

  2. Came via GF site. I am just drooling over your coasters! I love the images layered and your style is EXACTLY like mine would be, if I was as talented as you :) May I ask what special software (if any) you used to create collage effect for the images? I know we can use PS or even MS Word (I am not that good with PS) but just asking. Lastly, would you consider sharing an image or two of yours? Hope I am not offending you in any way by asking.

  3. Thanks again Suzanne!

  4. rk - thanks for the compliments! That was really nice to hear. Graphics purists won't like this, but I use only what's on hand; just PowerPoint and Publisher. I use Photoshop Elements only to make the backgrounds transparent (but you can use other free software). I'll make a few posts on the blog walking through how to prep the graphics and then how I lay them out. I can also post the resulting "collages". Stay tuned!

  5. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my queries. And an upcoming tutorial too? Woot! Woot! I can't wait to learn from you. Thanks again for sharing and inspiring!

  6. The coasters look great! I'm awarding you the Versatile Blogger Award! If you would like to accept, please visit my blog for the rules :)


  7. Whoa Libby, that's awesome! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Thanks in advance for your comments! They help inspire me to keep creating and sharing on this blog.