Saturday, November 19, 2011

Coffee table rescue

{ coffee table rescue from Crafted Niche }
One of my favorite new blogs is the Crafted Niche.  Dana has some great finds { she found an old wooden card catalog on Craig's List! } and a great gift for sharing her projects.

On Friday, Dana posted a great coffee table project where she rescued this baby from the trash, added some paint and a new top, and voila!  If only it were that simple.  I'm sure it took a lot more vision and sweat to get the table to look this good.

You can follow along Dana's post as she rescues this table and creates this beauty.  There are a ton of pictures too, so check out this rescue!


  1. I am SO glad to have found your blog. I recently moved into new apartment and have been in decorating mode like crazy! Definitely following. Have a great weekend!


  2. Ellie - thanks so much for the sweet comment. I'm glad you were able to find a few things you were interested in. Thanks so much for following!

  3. Looks great thanks for stopping by following u back


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