is how I define some of my favorite recycling terms. I'm sure these
definitions will improve over time, but here is my best shot:
Recycle - to alter and adapt for a new use
Refurbish - to freshen up through renovation or repairs
Reimagine - to reconceive or recreate; imagine again
Reinvent - to remake or redo completely
Repurpose - to give a new purpose or use to an object
Rescue - to recover and free from imminent danger {i.e., the trash}
Reuse - to use again especially in a different way or after reclaiming or reprocessing
Upcycle - to adapt an item for a newer {and more chic} use than its intended purpose

Refurbish - to freshen up through renovation or repairs
Reimagine - to reconceive or recreate; imagine again
Reinvent - to remake or redo completely
Repurpose - to give a new purpose or use to an object
Rescue - to recover and free from imminent danger {i.e., the trash}
Reuse - to use again especially in a different way or after reclaiming or reprocessing
Upcycle - to adapt an item for a newer {and more chic} use than its intended purpose
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