Friday, October 21, 2011

My seven lucky and unassuming crafting tools { tools }

I love it when craft tools can do double, or even triple duty.  I must have a million craft gadgets and supplies, but I find myself reaching for the oddest things when I'm making something - like the time I solved the mystery of punching holes in paper ornaments by using a cake tester, or when I was making a hundred magnets and organized everything in a cupcake tin.  Here are my favorites, which have become part of my crafting tool box.

1.  The straight edge razor blade seems to be handy when I need to quickly cut something, and it's so handy for scraping paint or glue off of flat surfaces.

2.  Good ol' baby wipes are perfect for quickly wiping up dripped paint or glue, wiping up over spray, or removing an oopsy, before it becomes one.  I keep baby wipes all over the house for runny noses, to pick up messes, and help wipe counter tops...not all in that order       : )
{ photo:  keetsa }

3.  In a pinch, I use a credit card or old plastic gift card like I would a bone folder.  It burnishers, helps score, and can help you maintain straight lines.
{ photo: Microsoft clip art gallery }

4.  I couldn't find anything that would thread ribbon through a small hole for some ornaments I made. Enter the cake tester!  This baby is strong and can help reach places that my fingers and other tools just can't.

5.  I love using bamboo skewers when I'm doing any kind of sewing project.  They're especially great for pushing corners out when making pillows.
6.  Baking tins are great for organizing large quantities of small things.   They provide great access to items (much better than screwing off the tops of tiny jars and tins every few seconds).
{ photo:  Add More Beads blog }

7.  Wax paper always provides a great non-stick work surface for me when I'm doing crafts, especially when gluing or working with Mod Podge.  If something is accidentally glued down, I find the wax paper gives instead of tearing off the paper, which saves A LOT of heartache on paper projects.

What weird (non-traditional) gadget do you find yourself reaching for when you're crafting?


  1. Thanks for the follow, following you back. Cute blog, I love old things and crafting. I wish you success with your blog.

  2. Hi Emily, I went and looked but didn't see your pic on my GFC. Sometimes it is tempramental and doesn't take. Just thought I'd let you know so if you wanted to try again. But if not that is fine, still like your blog. lol

  3. This is great! I'm a crafty girl, too, and I love your tip about the cake tester and the skewers.
    I found you through Blog Hop 'Til You Drop. :-)
    Hot Coco @ Flab to Fab

  4. So wish I had time to be crafty. I use to make blankets and tutus but just don't have the time anymore.

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  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks Martha! I just tried again and I think I fixed it!

  7. April, I'll check it out. I'd love to make some tutus for my daughter - that gives me an idea!


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